Disappointment Panda 🐼 If I could invent a superhero, I would invent one called Disappointment Panda. He'd wear a cheesy(low quality) eye mask and a shirt (with a giant capital T on it) that was way too small for his big Panda belly, and his super power would be to tell people harsh truths about themselves that they needed to hear but didn't want to accept. It would be awesome. And sick. And sad. And uplifting. And necessary. Afterall, the greatest truths in life are usually the most unpleasant to hear. 🐼 🐼 🐼 Disappointment Panda would be the hero that none of us would want but all of us would need. He'd the proverbial vegetables to our mental diet of junk food. He'd make our lives better despite making us feel worse. He'd make us stronger by tearing us down, brighten our future by showing us the darkness. Listening to him would be like watching a movie where the hero dies in the end: you love it even more despite making you feel...
ZooWeeMama 👻
Anything from 0 to 1, Anything that's ZooWeeMama :)